FAQ about DEAN-ip

You simply register for the day you would like to attend. Then Master Li will connect you to the energetic field, and you can practice freely at any time on the chosen day.

If you have time, you can practice. Completely free and without any pressure. If you have the possibility – and you are registered – then you can latch into the energetic field. Master Li helps you to do this. So you don’t have to be there the whole time, you can simply practice freely in the time that suits you well.

At home or at the place where you want to meditate together with others. We recommend that you simply be at peace for this.

You can imagine it as with the energy circle or just as if you practice freely. Only that this time it will be a very “big soup”, because many different participants are there and enrich the soup. Which exercises you do exactly, whether you lie down, walk, stand or sit, doesn’t play a big role, just do it according to your feelings. It is important that you feel comfortable.

Yes, that is possible. If the other participants are also registered, you can also join forces with several other participants for the DEAN-ip.

The children are very welcome to participate in DEAN-ip. You are welcome to talk to them about the seasonal contexts, themes and exercises and to share their feelings with us. We are especially happy about the feedback from the children!

You can also find more information here.

The general idea of the exercises of the DEAN Method is that everyone can practice freely according to their current state and their individual possibilities. The participants do not need any ideas or special thoughts. A calm, attentive orientation is always a good starting point for practice. 
For children, this can be done according to their possibilities and age. They can either join in the practice and it is just as good if they are quietly occupied with themselves and are therefore in a contented state. Even if the children are asleep, this is a very good condition for participation. 
Children who are older and would like to consciously participate in the exercise can, for example, be shown the posture of the basic exercise (sitting, standing, walking or lying), that they can gently place the tip of their tongue against the palate and simply perceive what they feel in serenity.
The energy of the joint DEAN-ip will reach every single child in every state of consciousness. 
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

Yes, it is possible to participate in any other event at the same time without any problems. If, for example, a seminar or lecture takes place and you take part in ip at the same time, this will definitely be an enrichment. Master Li says that the energies do not disturb each other.

On the days when DEAN-ip takes place, you are invited to practice the whole time freely and to connect with the energy. If you wish, you have the possibility to specify a desired time and time for your exercises. This possibility also exists if you can only give an approximate time. In addition, you can also practice outside these times and connect if the opportunity arises for you. Master Li supports you at any time.

Yes, anyone who is interested can join immediately. If you have any questions about DEAN-ip, the procedure, the method… please do not hesitate to contact us!

We invite all participants of ip to connect and exchange ideas with other practitioners in China and Germany via chat. It’s completely up to you whether you want to use it or not. If you have already logged in the last time, you will get back in there using the link. We will then give you the new password. If you want to get a new one, Nicola will help you with the registration. You can contact her with her WeChat-ID: nimafuqi. She will then send you a link and code, that will take you to the official homepage of international practice in China. You can also call if you have any questions.
If you want to get a new one, Nicola will help you with the registration. You can contact her with her WeChat-ID: nimafuqi. She will then send you a link and code, that will take you to the official homepage of international practice in China. You can also call if you have any questions.

Participation for one day costs 55 Euro, for two days 110 Euro. 
For children up to 12 years the compensation is 35 Euro per day. 
(The prices include the legal value added tax.)

Please transfer your amount before the start of DEAN-ip to the following bank account:

for DEAN-ips until 31.12.2021:
Account holder: Tasso Hildebrand
Bank: DKB AG
IBAN: DE49 1203 0000 1013 7271 42
Transfer text: ip month.year full name of participant(s)

for DEAN-ips as of 01.01.2022:
Account holder: DEAN Center GbR
Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN: DE14 2005 0550 1500 4428 25
Transfer text: ip month.year full name of participant(s)

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