The DEAN-ip Team

Ten years ago, I never thought I’d be spiritual. But everything changed when I met Master Dean Li in 2013.
Since then I have been practicing the DEAN method daily. The following year I started training with him. Many seminars and events followed. We participants have grown together to a big DEAN family. Seeing each other again feels like coming home. Again and again I am amazed at the possibilities, developments and experiences that we can make with his help.
With DEAN-ip we now have another possibility beyond the previous borders. The family is getting bigger and I am happy to be able to help the family grow.

The DEAN-ip project immediately touched my heart when Master Li opened this possibility for us.
The precious thing for me is the contact and exchange with people of the most different nation and kind, over the spatial distance and the simultaneous immediate proximity to each other, which we experience mutually.
This gives me a feeling of pure happiness and I feel grateful that something like this exists.
It is a chance for all of us because we learn to work together on a new level instead of seeming to be alone for ourselves. This makes life happier and we can feel it again.
I experience a deep connection and ease, freedom – that is FuQi! It will help us all to grow.

DEAN-ip is a very interesting and special experience for me. It is an example for me how FuQi can help so many people through the exchange. Not only on the two days of practice. I already feel that everything flows well during the preparations with the team. And it’s so nice to see what opportunities can arise from it.

It is easy for us to participate in DEAN-ip – but it is very valuable because of the different characters, different cultures, different countries. There is a lot of information for everyone. If we participate in DEAN-ip, it will help us to grow. The energy will also grow. This is a very good opportunity.

To have this conscious connection to Germany always fills me with a kind of warmth and joy. On the one hand it is probably my personal feeling of home and belonging, but on the other hand it is also good to know that now in completely different places a common connection happens, which is overwhelming. This makes communication possible in a whole new way.

DEAN-ip is a great project. it is like multiple quantum entanglement in spiritual world. We practice ourselves, and we help each other.

I’ve known Master Dean Li for 30 years. During this time I learned an infinite amount from him.
I would like to emphasize three things at this point:
1. healing happens only through cooperation.
2. in order to achieve peace and harmony, one needs a method.
2. you should practice it constantly.
With DEAN-ip we open the access to infinite energy for all people. Technical globalization with DEAN-ip we add a spiritual globalization. In the spiritual connection between people of different origin borders cancel each other out on their own. In this way, the forces and possibilities of the different cultures enrich and complement each other. For the good of all beings.
We are an open team that has been formed to organize the international practice (DEAN-ip) from the German side. Jianyong Yang 剑勇杨 and his wife Xiaobao organize it in consultation with Master Dean Li in China and we are happy to be able to participate in the realization here.