DEAN international practice

A deep practice of the
DEAN Method

in connection between Germany and China

„DEAN-ip is an international exercise for all who want to participate. When people of different nationalities and cultures do the exercise together, each culture can give the other some kind of energy it lacks. So anyone who participates, for example, can get a completely new ingredient for his energetic development process, that can help his energy move and change. DEAN-ip is another opportunity on our way to balance Yin and Yang, to solve our problems and to develop ourselves spiritually.“

Master Dean Li

All people are connected with each other deep in their hearts. There are no divisions here. Even political, ideological, ethnic, religious and personal boundaries become unimportant. All that counts is the common energy, the FuQi.
In the DEAN-ip exercises we open ourselves to FuQi and build invisible bridges.
The pure encounter from heart to heart widens our spiritual horizon and lets the energy flow freely. In the exchange between the spirit of China and Germany we experience healing and the happiness of being together. In this way our world becomes bigger and wider.

The core of ip is FuQi, the cosmic energy of happiness.

Topic: Xiǎoxuě - entering the dark season with joie de vivre

During this time, we preserve the yang and protect ourselves from the ‘mental flu’.

Master Dean Li and the DEAN Method

Master Li is Qigong Master, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and founder of the DEAN Method.
The old masters knew how to connect completely with the cosmos and thus had deep wisdom and healing power. From this they created the original Chinese Medicine. Master Dean Li is one of these few masters who are familiar with the root of all healing methods.
As the successor of a master lineage thousands of years old, he developed the DEAN Method, in whose offerings the almost lost knowledge of healing and the nature of all being can be rediscovered.

What our participants say

I felt connected to a great energy. The feeling is familiar and warm, just like meeting an old friend who hasn’t been seen for a long time. The greater energy can grow my energy and make me better.


The energy is big and powerful, it has a different quality than the German energy I have known so far. It is bigger! I feel, that I am being helped without having to do anything, the energy is there and working for me. When awareness increases, personal issues become unimportant, we are all together and help each other in a powerful community.


Although I was also under a lot of stress on the Tuesday when I registered for the international practice, I felt a powerful strength that carries me and connects me with many people. It was a good feeling not to be alone. A beautiful feeling of solidarity.

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