DEAN-ip on 31 Dec 2020 / 01 Jan 2021
Turn of the year

Topic: „New year, new chance and new hope. - all with a new feeling.“
A new cycle and turning point

The new year 2021 is coming and nature is entering a new cycle. A new beginning brings us new happiness!

In 2020, the pandemic had a profound impact on global human life and changed many lives. This is a reminder of nature and a task worth reflecting on! 

In the past, every people and culture had its own calendar, shaped by its own traditions and individual history. There are quite different systems, but today a common calendar is predominantly used by everyone worldwide. We can say that at this time the “Yang calendar” is used by the whole world and the calculation of time is made according to it. This way of time calculation results from the thoughts and actions of the people. 

The time from 31 December 2020 to 1 January 2021 is a very important time node, an energetic turning point, perceived as such by 7 billion people around the world.

„Because of this „all together“, the energy is also extra strong in terms of meaning.
It’s like FuQi, for example. When we all do something together, there is a special meaning. 
That’s why it’s so strong at that time.“

Master Dean Li

New year, new hope, new opportunity - with a new feeling.

This is a time when we say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. After experiencing the severe pandemic situation in 2020, we hope to get rid of the bad energy and connect with the fresh and good energy.

„We should definitely consider what the meaning of this time is! 
The energy clearly shows us at this time through the virus, that people are so closely connected to people. 
It doesn’t matter whether they are poor or rich, 
German or Chinese or whatever. 
This virus even brings us all together in one story. 
And of course this shows us how we can learn together and how everyone can learn for themselves.“

Master Dean Li

Right now, people here are not allowed to do anything together, many may be alone at home hoping someone would come to them….

„People really need FuQi now.
We need to make this time more ‘happy’.
Otherwise, many will become depressed again.

Let’s practice together consciously these days.
Everyone says, „Yes, in this last and first calendar day we do something!“
So there is meaning even for everyone.

If we decide to join in this time and build this connection,
then we are in quantum entanglement.
When we arrange to meet on these days,
we are already entangled.

When so many people do this, and do it right, 
then the energy is very strong. 
Then everyone can make a quantum leap.“

Master Dean Li

The children show us how: always start anew. Playfully, freely, openly, with new hope and joy. They all show us what „New Year“ means.

The connection of all together - now and in the future.

How deep something is, to what extent a state can renew itself, is always related to the specific connection. The more people join together, the deeper and stronger the effect of the common energy. 

„This has to do with the topic „everyone“. 
More people means more and stronger energy.

If we feel the impulse in our hearts, 
then we can invite the ancestors with us.
At every festival, when we are together, the energy is so strong. 

Through this we can do something for those 
who have been in the past,
and help them too, and they in turn help us.“

Master Dean Li

When we are dealing with an ancestor and feel something, we can look more closely and see the meaning behind it. 

      • What is the state now? 
      • What does it mean for the future?
      • Can you sense who is in contact with you?
      • What was this contact like in the past? 
      • Who is connecting with whom at that moment?

We can deepen our feeling for these constellations and feel what fits and do something about it.

„For example, if you feel for two people at the same time, 
then you can do something for both of them. 
That way both are satisfied.“

Master Dean Li

Surely we all have a big heart for helping everyone as much as possible. Let’s first see if and what we can do, so that it is balanced and appropriate. 

„We should learn to understand what is too much, what is too little?
Too much means, we want to do, do, do, 
and so we go over the limit again.
Or if we do too little, 
then we go over the limit again.
It’s good to develop the feeling for that.“

Master Dean Li

International exercise on New Year's Day - FuQi

Together with our friends, our living or deceased relatives, and together with both cultures, we can benefit from this time of transition. 

„Every time has its own special energy.“

Master Dean Li

Together we can maintain the connection with Qi and happiness can sprout anew. The world is always changing in thousands of ways and the new year will certainly bring new challenges. We can use this opportunity to prepare well and become strong on all levels.

For the New Year
we improve our immunity
let’s face the virus better!

Practicing together, 
we strengthen our FuQi together
let’s build up good energy!

Practicing together,
we strengthen our inner attitude
let’s have more confidence in the future!

You are all cordially invited to participate in the international practice at the turn of the year!

Together with the ancestors

If you feel a special connection to your ancestors and would like to give them a place, you can register them as regular participants* for DEAN-ip. The usual price for adults applies.

*Vermerke bitte in den Anmerkungen Deinen Namen.


Registration for the DEAN-ip „Turn of the Year“ is open until 30.12.2020 at 3 pm with the following link. Attention, short registration time!

Your registration is binding. If you have any problems with the registration, please contact or Nicola by phone: 0151-70173457.

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