2 years DEAN-ip: Invitation to the DEAN Life Talk on Sunday

Dear friends,

we look back gratefully on almost 2 years of DEAN-ip. During this time we have experienced almost every solarterm and its special energy.

Next Sunday, the 29.11.2020, Master Li would like to look back with us in the DEAN Life Talk. It is like a summary of the experiences and qualities we have felt during these ip days.

You are welcome to share your own ip experiences at the DLT starting at 1pm.

Master Li will tell us something about this time and the solarterms. This is very good for all of us so that the energy can continue to flow well and a new cycle can begin.

Until the next DEAN-ip, on 06. and 07.12.2020 we can digest these conversations and feel how the energy flows from DLT to DEAN-ip. Then we can deepen this energy and gain further experiences with it.

The newsletter for the ip 大雪 (Dàxuě), Big Snow, will reach you next week.

Best regards

Your team from DEAN-ip

P.S.: For questions concerning the DLT (access, procedure, etc.) please contact Nicola Martens (nicola.martens@gmail.com) and Barbara Sommermeyer (sommerbar@web.de).

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