Next DEAN-ip on 7th/8th October 2019
寒露 (Hán Lù) Cold Dew

Topic: „Continue in peace, so that our spirit and soul may dwell.“
Hán Lù - back to a point
„Hán Lù“, 寒露, is the 17th solar term of the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. This period marks the transition from cool to cold weather in autumn.
Climatically Hán Lù, „cold dew“, as the name suggests, is colder than the previous solarterm Bái Lù, „white dew“. The dew is about to freeze. Bái Lù was the beginning of autumn, Hán Lù is more deeply connected with autumn. Now we can vaguely hear the footsteps of winter. This suggests that people should not plant again, but collect the remaining harvest. You should remember that the plants must now retreat, „hide“. Then they should no longer be harvested.
The solarterms refer to the seasonal context and the associated natural changes in which we live and which affect us. In late autumn, the busy autumn harvest comes to an end and people prepare for winter.
A Chinese proverb, „春生夏长,秋收冬藏“, describes the appearance and development of things. So plants germinate in spring, growth begins. Everything grows in summer. In autumn the time of ripeness and harvest has come and in winter everything is hidden. This is an example of the natural laws that all living things follow if they want to live a healthy and profitable life in the long term.
„Hán Lù reminds us that we should keep a good state this winter.
In this time we have to hold back well.
Slowly come in peace because it’s winter.“
Master Dean Li
Everything has to do with good preparation
Everyone knows hibernation. Maybe we dream of simply retreating into a cozy cave… This behaviour is unfortunately not available to us. Nevertheless, we can follow it inwardly and find the peace that is naturally important in this time. Winter is suitable for kidney work. It is like a retreat. It is better to be calm and prepare for it.
Even the body gradually calms down and relaxes and the spirit comes into contact with the past. Not very active, but calm. Rest also means restraint. We have more connections to Yin, more to the past, to the ancient stories.
Hán Lù helps us to get information from the past, to understand backgrounds. Depending on how deeply we are connected to the past, how far we can return, we may all be together already. Because our beginning of humanity came sometime from one or two people. At some point there was only one point – and from that everything developed for the whole world.
What does the ‚past‘ mean in quantum physics? At some point everything came out of a quantum. Then it developed into two, into four… then sometime thousands. If we go back again, at a certain point it will be a quantum.
Login and registration
The registration for the DEAN-ip Oktober is possible until Sunday, 06.10.2019 at 15 o’clock. Your registration is binding. In case of problems with the registration please register at (or call Nicola).
Please transfer your amount (55 € per day incl. VAT) before the start of DEAN-ip. All further information can be found under Questions and Answers and in your registration confirmation.
Possibility to practice together in Hamburg
There are possibilities to practice together at DEAN-ip. You can contact Birgit until 06.10.2019 at 12 o’clock. You can practice the whole time or only a part of it. Simply enter your desired times.
DEAN healing practice
Bahrenfelder Kirchenweg 53, DE-22761 Hamburg
- up to 10 registered participants
- on 07.10.2019, from 18 – 21 o’clock
Contact Birgit Baltzer:
Phone: 0177 – 9173859
SMS or E-Mail
Chat exchange
Communication, says Master Li, is very important for DEAN-ip. There are possibilities for all participants to choose freely, depending on what suits you. So you can connect and exchange in the official WeChat account or – new – in a WeChat group with the other practicing people in China and Germany. It’s completely up to you whether you want to use it or not.
If you want to use it or need help, please contact Nicola.