谷雨 (Gǔ Yǔ) Grain Rain
DEAN-ip on 19 and 20 April 2024

Drawing: Verena Heyden

Text: Nicola Martens, Sebastian Hubrach and Tasso Hildebrand

Our inspiration for this solar term will follow shortly.
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In the DEAN Life Talk on March 17, 2024, we will exchange ideas about the solar term together.

In the DEAN Life Talk on April 14, 2024, we will exchange ideas about the solar term together.

Topic: „The Dao of Nature."

Gǔ Yǔ, 谷雨, is the sixth solar term of the year and the last in spring. Translated, this name means rain of rice or grain. Just as the sprouts need water now in spring, we also need to “ask” for what we are lacking. It is about what we really need for our natural growth. What is necessary for our tasks? If we sincerely and honestly do what needs to be done, then we are following the Dao of nature. This is how we receive help and answers from heaven for our development.

The spring rains make the soil looser and it is the right time to sow. The seeds need the loose soil. It is just as important for us to stay loose so that the energy between us and the ancestors can flow well. The seed can grow well in this fertile soil. “Water is water”, we think. But the rain in April is different from the rain in February. Everything in nature is already different, so the rain is different too. Everything is always the way it fits together.

„Of course, all water means nourishment for the plants. But by nature, the essence of water is different now.

Master Dean Li 

The story of the rainmaker

There was once a terrible drought in a province in China. The people had done everything they could to bring rain, but nothing worked. Finally, they turned to a rainmaker. Wilhelm was very interested and made sure he was present when the rainmaker, a small old man with a wrinkled face, arrived in his dirty cart.

The rainmaker got out of the car and immediately sniffed the air with clear signs of reluctance. Then he asked to be left alone for a few days in a hut outside the village. Meals were to be left on his doorstep. For three days he was neither seen nor heard. Then it not only started to rain, but a lot of snow fell, which was extremely unusual for this time of year. Deeply impressed, Wilhelm went to see the rainmaker and asked how he had made rain and even snow. The old man replied:

"I didn't make the snow.
I'm not responsible for it."

Wilhelm pressed him further, pointing out that there had been a great drought before he arrived. This time the old man replied:

"I can explain that. Where I live, people are in balance, they are in the Tao. So the weather is also fine. When I arrived here, I saw that the people were out of balance and realised that they were infecting me with it. So I stayed alone until I was back in the Tao. Then, of course, it had to start snowing."

Source: Richard Wilhelm, quoted in: Karen Hamaker-Zondak, The 12th House. The hidden power in our horoscope, IRIS Bücher & mehr, 1 October 2002

The story of the rainmaker gives us an example. He first restores his own harmony and then goes outside. This is how the Dao works through him. With ip, we orientate ourselves to nature and thus get back into the natural flow.

The Gǔ-Yǔ exercise with the Chinese connects the two cultures. This allows everyone to find more information and energy.

„When two essences meet, the spirit comes. Yin and yang play together.
It is the origin of energy and the source of harmony.
This is also the reason why we have the exercise with Chinese and Germans together.
There are two cultures, the German and the Chinese, that communicate with each other.

Master Dean Li 

Gǔ Yǔ exercise ONLINE with the Chinese:

On Friday, April 19, 2024, we will practice together with the Chinese students for 40 minutes (Practice time 2:10 – 2:50 pm) from 2:00 pm. The exercise will take place online via Zoom. Please register for this in the registration form. 

The joint exercise costs 20 euros (children 13 euros) and can be booked independently of ip. Participation is free of charge for ip participants. You will receive the access data with the booking confirmation.

Together with the ancestors

If you feel a special connection to the ancestors and would like to give them a place, you can register them as regular participants for DEAN-ip. In this case the usual price for adults applies.

*Please write your name in the notes.


You have the opportunity to register until 6 p.m. on the day before the respective ip-day. 
Your registration is basically binding.

If you have any problems with the registration, questions or suggestions, please contact us at team@dean-ip.de, via WhatsApp & Co or by phone:
Danny: +49 179 9026217, Nicola: +49 151 70173457, Tasso: +49 170 9573066

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