立冬 (Lìdōng) Winter is coming
DEAN-ip on 7 / 8 November 2023
Text: Nicola Martens, Sebastian Hubrach and Tasso Hildebrand
Topic: The spirit of winter
Lìdōng – Every year winter comes, every year we prepare for it.
What did the spirit “think about it”?
Winter is not the same every year, no winter is like the other…
And yet, every winter has a similar quality.
The energy of each winter is connected with the element of water, with cold and darkness. The movement naturally leads us to the root and the invisible. Why is that so and what do we need it for?
At the DEAN Life Talk, with the help of Master Li, we prepare for and exchange ideas, so that on the two ip days, we can deepen our experiences with the spirit together with our Chinese friends.
Together with the ancestors
If you feel a special connection to the ancestors and would like to give them a place, you can register them as regular participants for DEAN-ip. In this case the usual price for adults applies.
*Please write your name in the notes.
You have the opportunity to register until 6 p.m. on the day before the respective ip-day.
Your registration is basically binding.
If you have any problems with the registration, questions or suggestions, please contact us at team@dean-ip.de, via WhatsApp & Co or by phone:
Danny: +49 179 9026217, Nicola: +49 151 70173457, Tasso: +49 170 9573066