In the www I find at very short notice on the search for a fulfilling turn of the year – great luck: There are still free places! At my arrival on 31.12. I will be received by friends: All already look familiar to me!
I am quite sure that I have already met some of them. Four members, students of the master, planned this retreat together and led it with a lot of love and empathy. On
this third day, there is already a very high energy in the room. I am very grateful to be able to spend this day with people who think and feel alike. Under experienced guidance, blockades can be patiently released on an energy level and healing can be initiated.
The New Year begins for us with a lot of happiness. Thank you, thank you, … Deep satisfaction, joy and peace fills us all.
… and as a farewell a tender rose, which slowly rolls its lower leaves and always releases new beautiful, tender leaves. Thank you very much.