I would like to report about my experiences from the last IP on April 6, 2019.
due to time reasons I had only registered for 6.4. On this day I took part in a supervision of the hospice group, in which I am volunteering.
When the supervision began, I made energetic contact with Master Li and the ip-group, but was quickly distracted.
During the supervision I remembered IP from time to time. It wasn’t difficult for me because there was a very special atmosphere during the supervision. The supervision was very beautiful. Everyone was thrilled. And it was clear to me that this beautiful mood came from the energy of the IP group.
Yesterday I met a participant and she said that was the best supervision she had ever taken part in.
After the supervision I meditated. During this meditation my attention was focused on warring countries. I felt deep inside how senseless violence and weapons are. They are superfluous. Weapons are used by people who are weak. People who are energetically strong and balanced do not need weapons or power. They are content and live in harmony. I felt peace and quiet. Beautiful.
I owe this indescribably beautiful day to the group and of course to Master Li
Thank you so much. The energy is still working.