I had a vision: international practice is like a huge space in the universe. The mind can move freely in it, like a bird in the sky. The spirits meet there, sometimes individually, sometimes togeI felt how the two spiritual worlds of China and Germany met. It was as if two air currents met. For a while there was not much movement and I could’t see how they could connect. Then there was a new current. It came directly through the heart and flowed through the invisible border between the air masses. Only later I understood, that it was the FuQi that flows through the hearts and makes no difference.ther, sometimes in pairs… completely free and mobile. Depending on how something comes together. “Below” there are focal points, if you want to depict it visually, they are like trees, energetic focal points. These are the different themes. This is where spirits meet who want to do something with each other at this focal point. A lively back and forth of the spirits between the sky and the focal points, really fascinating.
I felt, how the two spiritual worlds of China and Germany met. It was as if two air currents met. For a while there was not much movement and I could’t see how they could connect. Then there was a new current. It came directly through the heart and flowed through the invisible border between the air masses. Only later I understood, that it was the FuQi that flows through the hearts and makes no difference.