
When I look back, I can see how things develop from the visible to the invisible: Our encounters, i.e. on the physical level, like a good year ago at H&B in Seefeld 2020, first became over time our faces in Zoom. The faces became names, the names became our words, the sound of our voices resonated with our words and we listened to the many experiences. Finally, the sound of a person’s voice paired with


IP is for me a diverse example of learning to connect together: each person with themselves, with others and with different cultures, integrated into the rhythm of the natural order in the expression of the solarterms. Diversity of each and for each, opens more space for possibilities and means more of each for all.


For me, ip means coming back into a natural cycle, into the cycle. Every year we go through this cycle, a great opportunity to change every year! The happiness is that we come into the flow of this cycle, that we are all connected, that we can come to the origin.


I have been able to gather so much energy in recent years that I no longer focus so much on the physical, but more on the spiritual level. The result is that I feel much more happiness and contentment. I experience lightness and inner peace, which also communicates itself to the people around me.

For me, each IP is like a monthly process of cleaning up, reviving and accumulating bit by bit to make myself clearer and more understanding. I can feel the powerful energy and the karmic barrier melts a little. What impressed me most this year was the “frost”. Around this day some of my stagnant energy flowed again. Through the connection with German friends I feel love and compassion! And respect, seriousness and tolerance! IP gives

With ip, I feel when it is good for me to participate for one or two days. I know about and feel this bond between us and the Chinese friends, even though I only know a few (except Yang and Xiaobao). It is important to mix the ingredients. It’s a very good way for us to develop. With ip, I feel a special state that is good for me. It is this movement of the

Before ip, I had little experience with the DEAN method and mainly knew the first basic exercise. I remember some experiences at ip very clearly. The energy changed and I got images in front of my eyes. These are experiences where I get in touch with information. ip has become an important part of my experience and I have never missed an ip appointment until now. Even when money was tight, I attended at least



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