ip meets spring festival
DEAN-ip on 21 / 22 January 2022

Topic: ip meets spring festival

On 21.01. and 22.01.2023, the Spring Festival will take place in China. We will take part. Two days: a process that seems like a unity of detachment and renewal. 

Recently, Master Li gave us 8 characters of the famous painter Liu Haisu. „When we live in virtue (Dé), we follow the Dao, which means best world.“ 


Every country, every culture, every person has an essence, something unique and special. When the essences combine, the best comes to the best. With everyone there is this sense of the best. When we combine the best of Germans and the best of Chinese, we can find the Dao. 

This time ip is special. The Spring Festival marks the beginning of a new year, and with it we can also leave behind the old – for example, the old habits and the usual way of doing things in our world. We let go of the old in our thoughts and spirit. ip connects with the spring festival these days. 

First day - purification 

The first day is for reflection and purification. In China, for example, the house is cleaned on this first day, while here we know it as spring cleaning. From time to time, everyone wants to clear their head and heart of the old, recurring thoughts that clog us up. On this day we can cleanse ourselves inwardly and prepare for a new start.  

Second day - new start

On the second day we respect our ancestors and with them our origins. It goes far back, to the root of our human existence. There we can reconnect with the essence that we have been given by life. It gives us the strength for a real new beginning and we can then freely follow our real heart’s desire.

Write your wish 

With this special ip you can send a wish, whether you want to get rid of something old or create something new. This wish will be forwarded to Master Li. He will help you to realise this wish. 

All participants in China and Germany will be connected with the “virtue” by Master Li and his sons. 

„We are looking for the Dao. The Dao is with the Dé, 德. 
This is what virtue means: everyone does the best.“
Master Dean Li

ip - springfestival opens a new space for us

One day is the old year, the next day is the new year. 
The old we leave behind, the new we enter. 

The programme that used to disturb us is deleted. In its place is the freedom that the new wish brings. If we do not change anything, everything will remain the same, in the old programme. Therefore, this time ip will take place as a unit of two days (registration is only possible for both days). 

Together with the ancestors

If you feel a special connection to the ancestors and would like to give them a place, you can register them as regular participants for DEAN-ip. In this case the usual price for adults applies.

*Please write your name in the notes.


You can register until 6 pm on 20.01.2023. 
Your registration is binding.

If you have any problems with the registration, questions or suggestions, please contact us at team@dean-ip.de, via WhatsApp & Co or by phone:
Danny: +49 179 9026217, Nicola: +49 151 70173457, Tasso: +49 170 9573066

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