小寒 (Xiǎohán) Little Cold
DEAN-ip on 5 / 6 January 2022

Text: Nicola Martens
Topic: Heart to heart connection 心心相印
Information will follow in the next few days here and via newsletter.
On 01.01.2023 we will talk together with Master Dean Li, Daosheng and Yang in the DEAN Life Talk about this solar term. There will be information about the ip and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Little Cold (小寒 Xiǎohán) is the 23rd solarterm of the 24 segments of the lunar calendar and the fifth solarterm in winter. For most areas of China, it marks the beginning of the coldest days of the year.
The deepest and darkest time of the year is often also accompanied by deep and sometimes heavy thoughts and in our hearts we may feel longing for a new beginning….
Why do the things that happen today happen this way? Today is today – we often think. Everything we encounter today has a cause in the past. Some people experience difficult things at this time and are confronted with problems. Old and new paths cross, and the old eventually merges into the new. People in earlier times gave gratitude to the gods and honoured the ancestors at this time in order to get off to a good start for the new beginning. Not forgetting one’s own origins and family is also part of our traditions at this time.
In the deep yin of this time we may feel how deeply we are connected in family and with our ancestors. What wishes connect us with them? With which steps would we like to start anew?
The topic of this time is „connection“, connection of old and new, young and old, of cause and effect….
Now is this winter and this end of the year.
We should keep the energy well and stay in connection. This is how we prepare for the next years and the next stage.
Good from the beginning – and good to the end. Then again to the next stage and then onwards.
If we keep the energy from this state well now and carry it on, then we can make the best of ourselves.
We can take advantage of the darkness and silence of this time to feel deep inside our wishes, to feel where we are and how things can go well for us.
Practice always means preparing the next step or the next road.
On and on.
Before we go further, we have to think about what is now.
If you don’t know what is now, where are you going?
That’s why my words are always: How are you? Then we can go on practicing. If we don’t know how to do it, then the exercise is useless.
The new beginning is already at hand in this solarterm Xiǎohán, 小寒, but we are still in the time of transition from the old. It’s like when grandma and grandchild reach out and join hands. The granny symbolises the old, the experience, the mildness and kindness, and the grandson can be a sign of the coming new, for which we are already preparing.
Together with the ancestors
If you feel a special connection to the ancestors and would like to give them a place, you can register them as regular participants for DEAN-ip. In this case the usual price for adults applies.
*Please write your name in the notes.
You have the opportunity to register until 6 p.m. on the day before the respective ip-day.
Your registration is basically binding.
If you have any problems with the registration, questions or suggestions, please contact us at team@dean-ip.de, via WhatsApp & Co or by phone:
Danny: +49 179 9026217, Nicola: +49 151 70173457, Tasso: +49 170 9573066