白露 (Báilù) White Dew
DEAN-ip on 8 / 9 / 11 September 2022

Text: Nicola Martens & Sebastian Hubrach
Topic: Nature's Wedding - Joy of Life and Clarity
Báilù, 白露, is the 15th solarterm of the 24 time periods, the third solarterm in autumn. Bái means „the white“ and Lù means „dew“, that is, „white dew“. Báilù coincides this year with Zhōngqiū, 中秋, the Moon Festival. This coincidence is very good for us. Because normally these two festivals are further apart in the year. This provides a good opportunity to learn from nature how „clear and clear“ come together.
Up in the sky, the moon is quite clear and strong. Down on earth at this time we experience a clear expanse without boundaries, a great harmony. Both the moon and Báilù are connected by this clarity. That is why they are so good together. Clear comes to clear, just like Jūnzǐ, 君子. Jūnzǐ means meeting each other honestly, heart to heart.
If you are really honest for yourself, it means Jūnzǐ.
If the other person is not honest with us, how can we do anything together?
One is honest, the other is honest. Only when we are honest, we are also clear.
Then we can play well, then it works together.
In Báilù, the clear water of the ground can condense and moisten trees and grass as „white dew“. The weather is so clear and balanced. The white dew is very important for our life because it can only arise when the sky is in harmony. It is the same when we have found our own clear taste, not too sweet, not too salty, not too sour….
Our original taste
Master Dean Li wants to help us all to find our own taste.
You really have to find your taste until your taste is like you. Not so that you don’t know if it’s you, or that one…. or that one ….
Yes, I help you that everyone can feel and find their own taste!
Then you find your own personality, then you „taste“ different than your brother, than your friend, your mother…. Everyone is unique. Then everyone is also beautiful.
Then you continue to bloom and blossom. That is so beautiful for our world.
In the time from Báilù to the end of the Moon Festival, many stories and much information show themselves. Nature gives us a wealth of possibilities – just as Báilù and the moon give us clarity as an example.
Nature's wedding - being together honestly
Many of us may feel the desire to enter into a deep connection, as in a wedding. What does a real wedding mean? That we can come together honestly and through this meet each other clearly, just as nature shows us. Connecting often also brings many problems. This is because we ourselves are usually still unclear and „not clean“ enough. This is how doubt or despair rather than a clear, harmonious connection arises.
Then we are not Jūnzǐ, so there are always problems.
Then how can we be good together?
That is our problem as human beings.
Nature is our master and shows us very clearly how we should live. If we think we want to do it differently, there is no sense in it.
Everything has to do with love.
Báilù is so clear.
The moon is so clear.
Then they come together.
Then it is called real love.
There is then no doubt and no despair.
And how can you be clear if you are not honest?
If you yourself are not yet so clean and the other is not either, and we want to be together, for what? Then we’d better make it clear once,
as clear as the moon and Báilù. It’s like a wedding. That’s why it’s so beautiful.
Both have to be honest.
Báilù is so beautiful and so clear, then she matches the moon.
It’s a beautiful wedding.
So feel this energy at this time.
What does it mean to be clear? That is so important.
Joy of life
In China, people love to eat well. Eating together conveys the good atmosphere and love of life. People come together and rejoice. The Moon Festival, Zhōngqiū, is therefore the second most important festival of the year next to the New Year. Of course, the festival has a lot to do with food.
Báilù is also the festival for farmers to celebrate the harvest and abundance. After Báilù comes autumn, and then everyone has to harvest already. That is why there is so much to eat at this time. It is a very beautiful time, so they experience a lot of joy and liveliness in China.
It is very beautiful at this time. That’s why I can also transfer the joy of life from China to Germany. Then it is simply happy.
Why else is this connection between Báilù and the moon called the „wedding from the nature“? That’s why so much joy in life can come.
Maybe we can’t sleep well at night. Then we could try something new and do it like the Chinese. There are times when they get up in the middle of the night and cook something. They don’t mind not being able to sleep. They cook and eat – and so they are directly connected to this joyful energy. That is the main thing and shows us this happy mentality.
When we are together like this, we get the pure joy of life.
Such a harmony of nature. Then, with such a beautiful atmosphere, food comes to celebrate this event. So with food comes the life force. Food means life force.
We have learnt a lot about feeling. For so long now we have been meeting only in audio mode via Zoom. Once, for example, we met live for a wedding. Our feeling was there because we had already trained it well and kept in touch.
We don’t need to get together and see each other every day.
Only this feeling is important. That means we haven’t lost our contact.
The moon connects us all - from the past to the present.
There is much, much history and more meaning to these days because the moon festival is together with Báilù. Why is the moon so important? Because we are all connected to this yin energy right now. This moon was this moon a thousand years ago and your ancestors all knew it too.
That is why you are working with this moon now, just as your ancestors worked with it then. That is why it is such a joy and that is why the Moon Festival has such great significance for us. Through the full moon, all the information comes up again and show: We are all doing something. The others, my ancestors, are also happy about it. I do something with the moon and my ancestors also feel something so clearly from this moon. That is why there are better opportunities for us this time.
The moon is the same a thousand years ago and today. It is always like a mirror and it stores what we want, what we dream. It is a witness over the ages. We knew it before, we know it now. The moon is like your father to you.
It is so clear – and we have to be as clean as it is. The most important thing is to be honest first, very clear, and to show this clarity to the other. Then we can do something together.
For more information from Master Dean Li about the Moon Festival click the button:
Together with the ancestors
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Your registration is basically binding.
If you have any problems with the registration, questions or suggestions, please contact us at team@dean-ip.de, via WhatsApp & Co or by phone:
Danny: +49 179 9026217, Nicola: +49 151 70173457, Tasso: +49 170 9573066