小满 (Xiǎomǎn) small abundance
DEAN-ip on 20/21 May 2022

Text: Sebastian Hubrach & Nicola Martens
Topic: Being ready to change
The second solarterm in the summer is Xiǎomǎn, 小满, the “Small Abundance”. Gǔ Yǔ, the previous solarterm, was all about rain and the quality of water. Due to the abundant spring rains, the waters now reach a stage of fullness at Xiǎomǎn. Abundance is synonymous with a state of harmony.
At any moment we can change and make the decision, yes or no.
The fundamental question is:
Where do I come from and where am I going?
This is the moment when change happens.
From solarterm to solarterm, from year to year, nature shows us how to move forward with the flow of energy. If we really say “yes”, then we focus on the energy of change, don’t get distracted and stay in that contact. Then we can go further and further.
Follow the change!
How can we achieve and complete the quantum leap? We are not alone in our lives, we are connected to everything. Often we think that we can decide everything ourselves. But that is not the whole truth. The connections to our environment, our destiny and our ancestors exist. If we connect well with them, we regain a sense of truth and can recognise and change our destiny. All things have a cause, they come from our destiny.
If we really want to change, we need the willingness to set ourselves in motion.
Understanding Xiǎomǎn, the “Little Fullness”, also means mastering our lives better. It is like a healthy measure that we can orientate ourselves by.
When we know this principle, we avoid extremes and come into harmony with ourselves and our relationships. The clarity and ability to align our actions with this have to do with our state.
Through the energy of Xiǎomǎn, it is possible to strengthen the connection to our spirit and change our state. Then we can act harmoniously on the basis of “Small Abundance”. In this way, we manage to leave a certain space for our counterpart and to know where we ourselves are at the moment. In this way, we no longer have to fight. Each culture and each of us gets the space we need to develop and we can support each other.