DEAN-ip on 19 Feb 2022 / 19 Feb 2022
雨水 (Yǔshuǐ) Rain

Text: Tasso Hildebrand
Topic: Heaven's gift
When the rain falls from the sky in spring, the plants get the water to grow, to develop – and finally to be able to produce their fruits in summer. So everything can follow the natural cycle of energy.
Just as the pure water of the sky enables the plants to grow, the spirit nourishes us with its clear energy. We can directly receive this pure energy and grow with it.
There is a lot of dirt in the world. Even the air is often not as clean as it could be by nature. The rain is not unaffected by this. Its original purity is sometimes lost.
Transferred to us humans, one could say: the clear information of the spirit, which comes to us like the raindrops at Yǔshuǐ, can be clouded or polluted by our thoughts and emotions.
In the joint ip exercise at Yǔshuǐ Master Li connects us with the original pure and clear energy of this time. This gives us the opportunity to better use the great cycle of energy for our healing and development.