DEAN-ip on 22 Aug 2021 / 23 Aug 2021
处暑 (Chǔshǔ) in the state of summer

Topic: „Right now there is such a beautiful energy, one could connect everything and develop it further.“
Chǔshǔ - directly with the heart
Now nature gives us another great opportunity, it is Chǔshǔ, 处暑, „in the state of summer“. Chǔshǔ means that summer is coming to an end in terms of time, but nature is still in the state of summer; the heat, the yang, is still stored in the body and in the earth.
At the same time, this time offers us another great opportunity: we can learn directly with the heart and connect this with Chǔshǔ.
Everything comes from the Dao and is always expressed in Yin and Yang. That is where the original movement arises. All changes, every movement, such as the seasons and their special information, come from this, words and the whole world arise in this way.
What do words mean?
What is the meaning of writing words? That is the big question. Why do people need books and stories at all? What is the real point of telling and speaking – and one word follows the next?
With the words I try to show that: Energy flows and in energy yin and yang are in motion. And the spirit is in motion in the self. Right now in this time. The words try to explain that. It is about this information.
No matter how we try, it’s important whether we understand it or not. That’s why there are all the beautiful stories, novels, words. Everybody tries to explain it in their own way. Everybody writes differently, everybody speaks differently.
The change in nature
How can we perceive the information of Chǔshǔ?
At this time, understanding „directly with the heart“ is even more important than words. When you understand directly in the heart, the feelings are even truer and more genuine than something, that can be written down, for example.
According to the laws of nature and the stars, at this time the yang qi gradually decreases and the yin qi slowly increases. Nature shows us the point of connection between yang and yin. Actually, it is already autumn, but it still feels like summer.
Chǔshǔ is the point of change from yang to yin. The power of yin is still very low and the power of yang is strong. Now comes the pure, completely innocent yin. We can feel something well precisely when it starts completely new and clean. This is the opportunity.
The energy is always connected to the feeling and through the feeling we can perceive the information directly in the heart. This is how we spiritually prepare ourselves for the new state.
Feeling with the heart
When practicing, we should concentrate well. Something will change, for example now in Chǔshǔ.
Therefore, we do this exercise to feel carefully with the heart. This is better than words.
Then later the newsletter can only say, „We are practicing together!“
That is very clear and simple and everyone is satisfied.
If it is so simple and direct, then we don’t need to think so much.
This time we are practicing in the ip Chǔshǔ what it means to develop towards that, to feel directly.
This is a new level.
Questions for understanding
New levels sometimes need words again to explain them. If you have any questions about the content of the newsletter, please feel free to let us know. We will do our best to answer them. Questions that we can’t answer, we will ask Master Dean Li.
* The words written in red are quotes from Master Dean Li.
Together with the ancestors
If you feel a special connection to the ancestors and would like to give them a place, you can register them as regular participants for DEAN-ip. In this case the usual price for adults applies.
* Please write your name in the notes.
Registration for the DEAN-ip “Chǔshǔ” is open until 21.08.2021 at 3 pm.
Your registration is basically binding.
If you have any problems with the registration, questions or suggestions, please contact us at, via WhatsApp & Co or by phone:
Birgit: +49 177 9173859, Danny: +49 179 9026217, Nicola: +49 151 70173457, Tasso: +49 170 9573066