DEAN-ip on 18 April 2020 / 19 April 2020
谷雨 (Gǔ Yǔ) Grain Rain

Topic: „Rain makes the seeds grow well."
Gǔ Yǔ - Growth of hundreds of grains

Gǔ Yǔ, 谷雨 , is the sixth solarterm of the year and the last one in spring. Translated, this name means rice- or grain-rain. The rain of grains goes back to the old saying: „Rain brings the growth of hundreds of grains“, which shows that this rainy season is crucial for growth and eventually harvest. 

At this time of year, spring rain usually falls continuously and precipitation is significantly increased. The soil is therefore loose and it is the right time for rice cultivation, for example. Rice plays a very important role for the people in China.

The Yǔshuǐ solarterm also had to do with water. However, there is a difference and it refers to the time: Although water was already so important before, it was not meant for the rice grain. So if you use the plants, now is exactly the right time to do so. Time to plant a seed.

„Usually people always say energy is energy,
just as water is water. 
Yǔshuǐ was about water, just as today with Gǔ Yǔ. 
But today it is just right for this grain of rice. 

That is the point. It has a special effect for that particular point.
Of course, any water means nourishment for the plants. 
But by nature, the essence of water is different now.“

Master Dean Li

The Dao of nature

Sufficient and well-timed rain allows the seedlings and plants newly planted in the field to grow well. This is the „Dao“ of nature. Everything is fine and the climate is good.

… But it is not at the moment. For the people on earth this spring is not peaceful. Because of the spread of the virus epidemic more and more countries have come to a state of stagnation and people’s lives have been seriously affected. Many people are worried, nervous, frightened and confused. This shows, that society is separated from its own „Dao“, and many people have lost the connection with their own spirit.

„Actually, people must follow nature or the Dao. 
Then they can always find a balance 
– so now with Gǔ Yǔ and at another time 
again with something else.“

Master Dean Li

In China, there is a saying: „风调雨顺,国泰民安。 Fēng tiáo yǔ shùn, guó tài mín ān.“ This means the following: „Favorable weather for the grain. The land flourishes, the people are at peace.“ So if wind and water, our weather, are harmonious, then the land can also be balanced. In the same way people wish to be in harmony.

„Overall, people should be calm and happy. 
But unfortunately at the moment it’s the other way round. 
The weather is not in harmony with the world 
and the country’s in turmoil, too. 
It’s very hard, a very tough time.“

Master Dean Li

Can we plant a good seed for ourselves and for humanity in this solarterm suitable for sowing? Certainly! ip is the seed of goodness, full of harmonious energy!

With the help of Master Li we can connect with the harmonious energy of nature through the ip of Gǔ Yǔ. At the same time we should strengthen the connection with our own spirit and thus we can safely survive the epidemic. In this special time this is the best gift!

„This is healing. 
We do ip at this time for the healing.“

Master Dean Li


The registration for DEAN-ip April was possible until 17.04.2020 at 3 p.m.. If you have problems with the registration, please feel free to contact us at or by phone: +49 151 70173457.

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