Next DEAN-ip on June 07/08th 2019
芒种 (Mángzhòng) Grain in Ear

Topic: The opportunity to grow is the most important point.
Mángzhòng - beginning of life
The Solarterms show us something of nature. The name for this time is: 芒种, Mángzhòng, „Grain in ears“.
Nature is full of signs that, if we can read them, can provide clues on different levels. Nature has produced grain with and without beards – the „hair“ of the grain. This property reveals something about the characteristic energy and possibilities of this plant. The grain was planted for a specific purpose. An important aspect in this context is the consideration of the time of harvest, so that it can unfold its optimal benefit for humans. If a grain has awns, it must be harvested before this solar Mángzhòng. Other grains are harvested at a later date.
In nature and in man, change follows change. One generation replaces the other, one season follows the next. A human generation may be 100 years. In nature there are more possibilities for transitions. If the weather alternates, then the season changes, for example it is once winter, once summer. In Asia, the weather is warmer, so there is a greater exchange – and thus more opportunities for metamorphosis and change. This results in faster alterations. The individual generations or age groups thus have more opportunities for development.
Why does the German mentality exist? Why the Chinese? Differences often entail disagreements or imbalances. That is why it is so important for this world to practice together. Otherwise we will continue to fight – without end. And that doesn’t help anyone. In the joint exercise of DEAN-ip the discrepancies are eliminated so that harmony and peace can emerge. The more people participate, the greater this harmonious energy becomes.
„DEAN-ip is for the peaceful of the spirit.“
Master Dean Li
Do the right thing at the right time - FuQi
Every time, with every transition, there is a possibility for transformation. Each time we can start anew.
Mángzhòng teaches us to recognize the right moment and to perceive the possibilities of the respective time period profitably. To be able to flow along with the things that are happening, corresponds to the natural and free flow of things. Perhaps we do not succeed sometimes and we are still stuck in old adherences and congestions. So we sometimes don’t know how to use the „favour of the hour“ so clearly and we miss a chance for change. Then we „miss the time“ – and it can become more difficult to grow. This is similar to the conditions when growing grain: If the opportunity (for harvesting, sowing…) is not taken there, the yield is not optimal.
What does ‘happy’ mean? It is happy when it is just the right time – and we are doing just the right thing.
„Today it is so beautiful. Today it fits exactly right. It is our big FuQi, that we can meet here together. Here we open our hearts.“
Master Dean Li
We learn the method to try to live life without effort, loosely and freely. What does „without effort“ mean? When an impulse from heaven (from nature) comes, then we can implement it directly. That means happy. Mángzhòng shows us: If the right time is there and we participate actively, then everything happens without effort. If this time is missed, then that means a lot of effort. That means: unhappy.
The Qi of Mángzhòng gives us the opportunity to be able to do the right thing with a free heart at the right time – and thereby grow further. In this way we create an important foundation for the future.
The registration for the DEAN-ip June is possible until 06.06.2019 at 15 o’clock with the following link. Your registration is binding. In case of problems with the registration please contact or this time please call
Tasso: 0170-9573066 or
Danny: 0179-9026217.
Please transfer your amount (55,- € per day incl. statutory value added tax) before the start of DEAN-ip. All further information can be found on FAQ.
Possibility to practice together in Hamburg
There are possibilities to practice together at DEAN-ip. You can contact Birgit until 06.06.2019 at 12 o’clock. You can practice the whole time or only a part of it. Simply enter your desired times.
on 07.06., from 19-21 o’clock
on 08.06., from 15-18 o’clock.
up to 10 registered participants
Birgit Baltzer
Phone: 0177 – 9173859
SMS or e-mail
Address DEAN Heilpraxis:
Bahrenfelder Kirchenweg 53
22761 Hamburg, Germany